The new age for democracy

 For this unit of Equality was focused on the future for humanity we with our final project being on what we think the world will look like 100 years from now told in a news cast format. I wanted to be optimistic for the future and for that good future for humanity involves the fall of autocratic states through out the world with democracy filling in to create a more successful government. so I focused on Russia and China more so as governments that need reworking. While these countries aren't the only autocratic states they are the biggest with China investing in other autocracies. 

The Video:

the Script:

My political beliefs are that the best nations are the ones that give the most to ensure the expression of self. So there is no better than democracy where people will give rulers the consent to govern them. I feel that the world will become better if everyone can choose who rules over them. So this article is my thought experiment of how autocracies will fall in the 21st century.

Uyghurs Free themselves from Communist China!

The East Turkestan National Awakening Movement declared their own sovereignty from China wanting to remove all of China’s influence from East Turkistan. The East Turgistani Government in Exile has been reuniting with the nation to govern locally. The Government has brought an parliamentary democracy to the newly independent nation to avoid doing onto the Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Chinese, Hui and Tatars the same crimes that China did onto the Uyghurs. The East Turkistan are now fighting to join the UN but China has been rebuffing their membership while also denying their independence still referring to them as the Xinjiang region. Due to the US Guarding East Turkistan government NATO has followed the government into east Turkistan and acted as military support for the young nation and preventing China from conquering East Turkistan. As the current Prime Minister of East Turkistan

“As the proud leader of East Turkistan in these monumental times I am honored to start this new democracy. This fight was not just ours, the Kazakhs, the Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, the Hui, the Tartars and the Chinese joined our fight for independence. To honor their solidarity I want everyone to know that this not just belongs to the Uyghurs but to all who fought for our sovereignty. And with in our borders everyone will be treated as equal”

The start of all this can be traced back a century to the Russo- Ukrainian war in 2022. After NATO backed Ukraine the Russian military was forced back to their borders, the humiliating defeat and lack of consent given by the Russian people animated antifa groups in Russia to not only grow but to fight for Putin's resignation, they rallied behind politicians intent on restoring democracy in Russia. Due to Russia's infamous history with facism, and managing to escape it. This has inspired millions of people to fight facism on a global scale, not being afraid to insult China and also galvanizing and funding rebellions in the country. 

And that brings us to today where after decades of fighting from Uyghur rebels China has finally let the people be and they have leapt on the opportunity to ally with Russia, India, and NATO. This also inspired Hong Kong protests fighting for either independence or the end of the autocracy ruling them. Many are hoping the same freedoms of democracy will be given to North Korean people soon. 


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