Learning How to Garden

For this project we are supposed to plan a garden. But how do you plan a garden? You plan a garden by figuring out how much soil you are going to need. So i decided to plan for an old garden bed. For the materials i have are an extra bag of soil the any plants i can find and the other containers that i’m going to plant in is a vase and a cardboard box i found. As for the quality of soil in the ground it’s a small plot with weeds growing in it but i am going to cover it with a gardening mix to use. For this project i'm planning on growing peppers, cilantro, onions, beans, cucumber, garlic, milkweed, lettuce because i hear probably most of them except for the no weeding. As for the containers the vase is going to be aquaponic, for the cardboard box i am going to fill it half way with soil or 180 cu in and in the garden i am going to use 15 cu ft of soil.(for diagrams see below)
and for the soil quality the N/P/K of ratio between the nitrogen phosphor and potassium that are necessary for plant growth and the ratio is 12/10/8.

one of the people example that i want to follow is Fukuoka's gardening style that is a bit more passive than what is common used. his first principal is no plowing and the garden is too small to bother with plowing, the second one is no chemical fertilizers but i might not bother with fertilizers at all, the third one is no weeding that i am going to follow, last is no chemical pesticides which i wasn't going to even bother with. But i will be still watering the plants two times a week as i still have to sustain sustainability.


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