For the winter term I took Digital fabrication a class focused around teaching students how to use machinery to create and manipulating them from a computer. For during this class we were encouraged to learn how to use as much machinery as possible. I choose to use a 3D printer to create a figure of a spartan from my favorite video game franchise Halo. and I took my interest in aeronautics to create a SR71A Blackbird and a D-21 Drone 

Black Bird Timeline

    When we first learned about CNC machines and SVGs is when I first started this project I first took the profile & birds eye for view for both aircraft from bagera3005 and created the fuselage, chine & wings. I then I moved onto the refining the profile of the ramjets for the SR71. We didn't get the laser cutter working until the last week where this model was the guinea pig for the laser printer. after a handful of test I finally created the final model. if I had more time i would change the width of the gaps so the model made a tighter fit.

Spartan Time line

    As for the story of the spartan I pretty quickly decided that's what I want to do when we first started 3D printing. I first downloaded Halo Reach & Halo 4 to my computer and extracted the files through Reclaimer and then used a Blender addon to convert AMF files used in halo to a rigged model useable in Blender. after posing the model and attaching the weapons I set it up to print. it took over a week to remove the supports. The model didn't come out of the supports unscathed the knife on the left shoulder broke off, the sniper rifle on the back become "sawed off" and after accidentally dropping the figure the stand broke off but some gorilla glue fixed that. If I had more time I would reprint it with tree supports for faster removal and take more care removing the supports so it comes out complete. 

Final Products & Download Link: 



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