Unnecessary and worthwhile commentaries

Before this project we read and studied The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare Once we finished the reading we had to create a sonnet inspired by his work in the style of his sonnets including the rhyming scheme and the syllable structure. So for my sonnet I focused on Vincentio and chastising him for being so lenient with his son trying to mimic the play by acting like and old Italian nobleman
expressing distaste for a college and here is the sonnet

Vincentio how could you listen to 
such an unruly, underhanded child.
Lucentio has made a fool of you
With his actions your name is defiled.

A coup he is a planning and hatching
To marry a timid, gorgeous raven.
Lucentio Has been Coney catching 
His behavior is like a wild, fondly craven.

He promises your fortune thereafter
To greedy Baptisa, are you supple?
And arranges an imposter after
Who pledges his fortune to the couple.

You said, I’ll not budge an inch. 
Are you a jolt head or in a pinch? 

We also made a short paragraph providing a quick commentary of the gender roles in the play here is mine:

The first act is an introduction to the issue and love interests. Kate has to be married before Bianca.
Kate refuses to comply with social norms by acting hostile to men. She is seen as a witch and looked
down on. She has no prospects for marriage. The role of women at that time was to get married and
take care of the household. Bianca is portrayed as the quintessential woman of the time. She is quiet
and cooperative. She is viewed as the desirable wife by Lucentio and Hornesto.I find this to be a
backward society because women are devalued. But women are just as capable as men.


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