ADHD: Misplaced Beta Waves

For this action project we had to research and emulate a mental disorder. I choose ADHD because of its prevalence & my own experience with the disorder.

For the recreating the state of mind I made an obnoxious atmosphere before presenting. if you want to recreate the scenario First get some sort of strong smell in that can be from leaving your trash can open to the preferable smell of food flooding your room, Second play some sort of active or lyrical music such as dance, rap, EDM or pop. I used Atomic Karate by TWRP & Adrenaline Jack wall if you want to recreate the exact situation. Finally have some sort of social media on your phone and another tab. before playing the video:

Afterward we had to graph and create a function for the graph guessing the brain wave through out the lesson along with a flier compiling all the information we found during the project


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