The Great Journey

For this project we had to find an example of the heroes journey in fiction and in real life. The heroes' journey is split into eight parts and two halves. One half is the ordinary world or what the hero considers normal. The other half is the special world which can be a physical, emotional or social place. The start of the heroes' journey is The Call to adventure, pretty much the hero being beckoned to adventure. The second event is meeting the mentor. The mentor will give the hero the proper guidance to over come any obstructions that the hero encounters. The Trials are the obstructions that the hero encountered. The Abyss is the lowest point that the hero encounters usually caused by failure of some sort. The Rebirth is when the hero is given another chance after hitting their lowest point. Atonement is how the hero applies the second chance given by the rebirth to redeem himself. the Return is how the hero applies their knowledge they gained from the special world. The reason why I chose my father is because he has a big effect on my life and I learned a lot from him. For my fictional hero I wanted to do a deconstruction of Thel. My heroes are connected through the heroes journey by going through the similar patterns of obstructions.  They both didn't have conventional mentors, they were in the special world at the beginning of the story, they both earned their second chances, and when they were at their lowest point they were on their own at first


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