The past remains through it all

For this project I had to create an origin story. An origin story is the explanation of how places, objects, or ideas, became to be. origin stories have a lot of power in many cultures and all religions usually being the best known, most influential, or most referenced stories. The best known origin stories are the ones that tell how the world was created or other universal effects. Origin stories and stories in general are used to explain the unknown such as the creation of the world, the creation of life & humans. To help with relating the usually massive and other worldly events, similes and metaphors are used in the stories. Similes and metaphors are used as a story telling device to help with understanding by stating two objects are similar or the same. Sometimes objects in stories are meant to be completely unique or mundane so sensory language is used to define the unique traits. The process for writing this assignment was to first pick something to explain I decided to explain first person shooters. I then made a draft using as many adjectives and adverbs to make the story a real as possible. After having someone else review the first draft, I  incorporated the feed back creating the final draft.

In 1974, 11 years before the infamous Mario the First Person Shooter (FPS) Genre was born with the unknown but necessary Maze war it took place in a vector drawn or wire-frame although unknown it did start the arguably the most influential genre. although simple in game play letting you move a set distance ahead and letting you turn only 90 degrees making it more like real time chess it was up to standards for the time.

Nothing happened for FPS for along time as the technology didn't really give fun smooth game play that FPS demanded until 1992 with Wolfenstien 3D and a year later the infamous DOOM which brought the genre to main stream popularity with its fun to fight AI, level design to complement the intelligent AI, and a bunch of fun unique weapons. because of the popularity that the game deserved it influenced many first person shooters form half-life and its sequel all the way to my creators first attempt at an FPS Marathon

and then came me. a was promised to be the golden child one of the few greats and I was if it had not been for me my creators would not have been recognized for their creative talent and the clever and unique ideas would have been forgot to never be credited to them. Not only did I start these creators career but I was told to be the golden child of the Xbox I was too make Microsoft the next big thing and trump Nintendo and Sony. and i did partially although I didn't Turn them to dust and echoes be I did take Sony as the mature alternative forcing them to take Sega's place as a teen aged Nintendo indirectly ending Sega's short career of consoles.

it may sound like I am a parasite clinging to what was and not accepting what is  well I am Halo Combat Evolved. I was first thought of as Microsoft bought my creators to put their new hardware on the map they took what they learned from there last attempt and made it better in every way they could. and from this success each one of my predecessors would be more more than was even when fans or another studios take an attempt at perfecting what I've made.


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