

 for this unit in calculus we evaluated a function I choose  F(x)=x(x+4)*0.5*-3/x^2 or f(x)=-1.5+-6x^-1 which shows the ratio between the squares of numbers and the triangle numbers with the derivative being F'(x)=6x^-2 the if the normal function is speed the derivative is acceleration to evaluated it on paper the I chose F(4) and the F(4)=-1.5+-6x^-1=-1.5+-6*.25=-1.5+-1.5=3 using the graph I evaluated f(-4) i made an estimate of the slope at f(-3) f(-3.1)-f(2.9)/3.1-2.9= -1.5+-6*3.1^-1 + 1.5+-6*2.9^-1/3.1-2.9= -6*(3.1^-1)-6*(2.9^-1)/.2 -6*.32 -6*.34/.2 -1.92-2.04/.2 3.96/.2 = 19.8 but the f'(-3) = .66667 for the point (-3,f(-3)) instantaneous slope is y - 0.5 = 2/3(x + 3) the (d/dx)^2f(x)=-12x^-3

The new age for democracy

 For this unit of Equality was focused on the future for humanity we with our final project being on what we think the world will look like 100 years from now told in a news cast format. I wanted to be optimistic for the future and for that good future for humanity involves the fall of autocratic states through out the world with democracy filling in to create a more successful government. so I focused on Russia and China more so as governments that need reworking. While these countries aren't the only autocratic states they are the biggest with China investing in other autocracies.  The Video: the Script: My political beliefs are that the best nations are the ones that give the most to ensure the expression of self. So there is no better than democracy where people will give rulers the consent to govern them. I feel that the world will become better if everyone can choose who rules over them. So this article is my thought experiment of how autocracies will fall in the 21st century


 For the winter term I took Digital fabrication a class focused around teaching students how to use machinery to create and manipulating them from a computer. For during this class we were encouraged to learn how to use as much machinery as possible. I choose to use a 3D printer to create a figure of a spartan from my favorite video game franchise Halo. and I took my interest in aeronautics to create a SR71A Blackbird and a D-21 Drone  Black Bird Timeline     When we first learned about CNC machines and SVGs is when I first started this  project I first took the profile & birds eye for view for both aircraft from bagera3005  and created the fuselage, chine & wings. I then I moved onto the refining the profile of the ramjets for the SR71. We didn't get the laser cutter working until the last week where this model was the guinea pig for the laser printer. after a handful of test I finally created the final model. if I had more time i would change the width of the gaps so the

Student Service Initiative

 So an issue plaguing America is the issue of students under preforming when compared to other counties and legislation has made a series of baid aid fixes that has resulted in straining students even more and barely raising the average grade. The reason why grades are low in Americas is because of under resourced areas such as the south side of Chicago. there have been some programs wanting to achieve the same goal through the same means of creating resources for students in impoverished areas. Student Service Initiative is my attempt at solving this issue. The Mission of this service is to use government funding to create centers around the south side of Chicago. Each center will provide areas for one on one tutoring if the student cannot pay then the they will receive the tutoring for free. There will be an "internet cafe" provided to students needing internet to do school work or to connect to their online class. I want to start with helping high schoolers and gradually e


I have spent the last month understanding analogue games then applying what I learned to create a game of my own. For the games we studied we compared Magic the Gathering and Battle Cards and why Magic stuck around. We had a chance to teach the class one of our own favorite games, I choose to show Bid Whist which is now my second favorite card game after... Siege! is a first of its kind a fully asymmetric 54 card deck game. Either stand ground and become the last man standing as the defense or strategize and scheme your pyrrhic victory through the defense as the offense.  The games first came from the idea of an asymmetric card game of the dealer going against the field. I then wanted a reason for the field to work together so I went with the idea of an offence vs the defense . So I then worked on the details on how combat will work. I liked the idea of the Ace, Joker, and the face cards to be something other than values to beat the ten. My first prototype was very limited where the of

Earth Over Steel

We took Econ for our STEAM class and S.T.E.A.M stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Architecture, and Mathematics. What part of the acronym dose Economics fit into? If you think Mathematics your wrong and this project will so you why Summary Work with Clay, not Metal (HP 2021) Once economics was thought of as a science, economists have become obsessed with making models. Many of these models are based off of physics. This is helpful for making simple models as a branch of mathematics but it distracts from everything else. As anybody who did high school math knows, the more variables there are in a formula, the less people want to work with it and that's exactly what economists did. They rendered down and loose ends into “external factors'' and used formulas to describe what was left. They turned economics into physics’s deliberately obtuse little brother.  Those models also use the constant of “The man” or Homo economicus to create a world populated by this money d

Not so Little Stevie Wonder

 For this project we studied audio in journalism learning about radio and its reincarnation as podcasting. we also took the time to recognize what makes a voice unique and make a podcast about what the voice repusents. CJH and I collaborated and focused ours on Stevie Wonder. For our podcast we divided the work by first recording us talking about Stevie and CJH would edit and upload then I would write the transcription. We choose Stevie Wonder because of his impact on both of our early lives and our respect for his work. We wanted to show our mutual appreciation for his talent and dedication for his craft without letting his visual impairment hold him back.  CJH · Stevie Wonder Voice Podcast. CJH, HP Transcription: (Isn't she Lovely plays) [00:20] - CJH Stevie Wonder's voice has a huge impact. Like, it's one of those voices that you can recognize immediately. [00:27] - HP  You hear them everywhere in every, like, halfway, like, large thing. Like in the past couple of deca