Chicago's Money Mind

 For this last unit we have learned about investigative journalism and its purpose in society acting as a detective force open to the people. So for this units AP we tried to write a story. I decided to focus on socialism and by extension communism and run poll on opinions about the economic systems.

Money in America:

    On June 23rd a man was handing out that days copy of The Challenge newspaper that represented The Progressive Labor Party and this inspired me to gauge opinions about communism and socialism gathering misconceptions about the economic systems and seeing if Bernie Sanders campaign has any staying power in american politics. For the definition that will be used communism is a economic system where the state owns most property with resources will be given to citizens as needed. Socialism is either giving ownership of community resources to the entire community or an in between of communism and capitalism.

    This poll is taking information volunteered in eight interviews asking for their personal understanding of socialism and communism along with, their opinion, what they can gain, and their current financial situation. From what I found people built their ideas off of the USSR for communism and thought of socialism from the Marxist lens as a moderate form of communism or had no distinction between the two. as for opinions socialism appealed to everyone if they still rejected it was from a pragmatic point of view due to it being unachievable with our current culture "I don't know if that's the best idea for society. Especially sense it will backfire because society right now is used to how it works" as for communism it was almost total rejection with the only vote for it being reasoning efficiency. when asked if they see a socialist future for america they referred to politicians championing the cause such as AOC or Bernie. of the eight interviewed most saw their family benefiting from socialism.

    For the poll I feel like i pulled from a small narrow group of people to gather opinions as they were all high school seniors. Only eight interviews makes a tiny and narrow group. 


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