The past remains through it all

For this project I had to create an origin story. An origin story is the explanation of how places, objects, or ideas, became to be. origin stories have a lot of power in many cultures and all religions usually being the best known, most influential, or most referenced stories. The best known origin stories are the ones that tell how the world was created or other universal effects. Origin stories and stories in general are used to explain the unknown such as the creation of the world, the creation of life & humans. To help with relating the usually massive and other worldly events, similes and metaphors are used in the stories. Similes and metaphors are used as a story telling device to help with u nderstanding by stating two objects are similar or the same. Sometimes objects in stories are meant to be completely unique or mundane so sensory language is used to define the unique traits. The process for writing this assignment was to first pick something to explain I deci...