
Showing posts from March, 2019

What is CO2 and How to Reduce It

For this project we had to write about CO2 in our atmosphere and how we contribute to it. we only had a weekend to work on it so some of the requirements were cut. Every year the average American produces 20 metric tons or 22 tons of CO2. What is CO2? What does it do? Where does it come from? And how can I cut down on it? CO2 or carbon dioxide is a gas in our atmosphere that is a great insulator and is responsible for global warming. Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of burning fossil fuels, some industrial processes, and ocean atmosphere exchange  But how does carbon dioxide come from nature? Carbon dioxide is naturally made from forest fires and breathing. There are natural ways that carbon is filtered out of the atmosphere such as photosynthesis. Photosynthesis occurs in plants and is the process of taking water, carbon dioxide, and using sunlight to create sugar for plant food and the release of O2. Carbon is also created when trees die, decompose, become covered by dirt and rock, a

Why Nuclear?

For this Unit in fuel we focused on finding the best fuel in terms of how clean cost effective and energy dense it so for this AP we were tasked with making an infomercial about what we thought is the best clean energy. so i did nuclear the reasons why will be explained in the video Why Nuclear? by HJP from GCE Lab School on Vimeo .


This project we learned about dream catchers and what they mean for native american cultures. First of all This is not an authentic dream catcher and I do not mean to devalue what dream catchers mean for native american cultures. I believe that dreams is your brain's way of reminding you about important things that happened that day. I got this philosophy from the Dream exercise were we did broke down are dreams and interpreted them. The dream i used for the project was simply a dream were I lived the perfect day were a i got all my work done that I interpreted that as my mind reminding me to do my work   Dream catchers were first made by the Ojibwe tribe to protect the dreams of younger children by catching them in the net and if they are hung on the east side of the bed to burn away the bad dreams caught in the net. They were usually made by grandparents but can be made by the person. Based on what objects are used in the dream catcher will decide what dreams are able to pass