
Showing posts from November, 2020

Profit in Gaming

          For this unit in Art of Rhetoric we focused on the early history of America and the hardships Native Americans faced along with their portrayal to Europeans and how visual rhetoric painted them in a biased false light.  Aside from that we studied various opinion pieces and more importantly how to establish your self as credible with out a formal education in the topic. So below this paragraph is my shot at an Op-Ed by expressing my credibility without an masters in the economy, or experience creating a game in the current industry Op-Ed:          G aming is a highly opinionated topic. Hypercritical and hypocritical gamers will write a manifesto on r/gaming on Reddit about how some small indie horror game is the pinnacle of gaming. Alternatively, they will treat recent popular releases as the worst games to ever exist and how the entire fanbase is toxic, while being toxic themselves. But every gamer will agree on something, micro-transactions are either the worst thing to ever