The Raisin in our shade

For the past couple weeks we have been researching and discussing racial history in Chicago. We had the opportunity to discuss prejudice and how to legally deal with it along with a discussion on why the south side housing is cheaper and how black people have been confined to the area. We also spent the time reading A raisin in the sun to get further context of the past. This project we made a letter from the PoV of on of the main characters to state our opinion about one of the main plot points, If the black family should move into a white neighborhood. I decided to take the side of moving into the neighborhood for the project. I made this letter from the PoV of the youngest of the main characters Travis. Hey Dad, It's me, Travis. I want you to at least listen to me. I think we should move into Grandmama's house. I think we should be the first black family to move into Clybourne Park. We can make ourselves part of the community. You owe it to Mama because it...